Danz - kreativní prezentace PowerPoint šablony

Danz - kreativní prezentace PowerPoint šablony

Created: 28. 1. 2021

Updated: 28. 1. 2021

ID: 161020

2 Reviews for this product

this item is very helpful to me in presenting my creative products, because this is very cool and very usable, I really like this item, hopefully can continue to work together
Hi, JhonValaheta, thank you for your feedback. Glad you satisfied with our items, we'll make more items with various category soon!
The design is cool and elegant, very helpful in solving problems in my business. So that I can present it to the client through the design made. I highly recommend it to those of you who want to create an attractive presentation design for your business.
Hi, MilloVader, thank you for your feedback. Glad you satisfied with our items, we'll make more items with various category soon!

0 Comments for this product

O autorovi


Související témata:

Umění a kultura, Umění, Umělecké studio

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Požadavky na software a hosting:

Powerpoint 2007 (recommended) or Powerpoint 2003