Industen - Modèle de site Web de thème Html5 Css3 pour entreprise industrielle
og体育首页ONE - Aucune limite pour $12.40/mois

Industen Theme est un modèle de site Web créatif et moderne conçu pour les services industriels.
Il s'agit d'un site Web d'entreprise pour l'industrie sidérurgique, l'industrie sidérurgique, la logistique, la chimie, l'énergie, l'assurance et tous les services industriels.
Vous pouvez présenter vos services industriels, vos projets et votre équipe dans ce modèle d'une manière inoubliable.
Il devient un site Web créatif entièrement compatible avec sa zone de diapositives spéciale et sa zone de services.
Vous pourrez présenter votre usine et vos projets de manière professionnelle.
C'est un modèle de l'industrie avec une interface moderne et efficace. Tout le contenu a été pensé et rempli dans les moindres détails. Vous pourrez facilement changer tous les champs selon vous. Tout le contenu et les images seront prêts lorsque vous achetez le modèle.
Ne manquez pas ce modèle industriel entièrement réactif.
Added custom vertical accordion FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) area.
Added special vertical accordion system for frequently asked questions. Additionally, a special visual has been added to the frequently asked questions area.
Added special accordion system. Added new images along with tabbed content.
Added special accordion system. A special area for the about fields has been created in the tab system. New images added.
The phpmailer version update has been thrown. It is for php versions 8.0 and above.
Added critical update.
Icon codes have been updated. Added special hover effects to the Services area. About page has been renewed. Contact page icon layouts adjusted. The quick up button has been updated. Footer field updated again in all layouts. On-site effects have been rearranged.t.
Slider transition times have been adjusted. The slider shape has been updated again and a special opening effect has been added. Projects slider has been updated again. The layout of the buttons, icons and title in the project slider area has been changed and re-centered in all dimensions. The team area has been updated again. The widget menu on the project and services detail page has been given a special effect and has been updated again. Footer field has been updated again. Images have been optimized.
Slider transition times have been adjusted. The slider shape has been updated again and a special opening effect has been added. Projects slider has been updated again. The layout of the buttons, icons and title in the project slider area has been changed and re-centered in all dimensions. The team area has been updated again. The widget menu on the project and services detail page has been given a special effect and has been updated again. Footer field has been updated again. Images have been optimized.
Fixed the effect issue on the backlinks between pages.
SMTP mail codes have been added to the contact form.
An e-bulletin subscription form has been added to the footer field. And the footer area is fully aligned.
Fixed responsive menus on services pages. And the page titles have been fixed on all pages.
Added special animated effects to all pages. Added fully compatible impressive areas.
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