Poveria - Thème Shopify pour magasin de mode

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shoppingBag Ventes: 51


Créé: 24 juin 2019

Actualisée: 13 sept. 2021

ID: 82543

og体育首页ONE - Aucune limite pour $12.40/mois

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Poveria - Thème Shopify pour magasin de mode - Caractéristiques de l’image 1Poveria - Thème Shopify pour magasin de mode - Caractéristiques de l’image 2Poveria - Thème Shopify pour magasin de mode - Caractéristiques de l’image 3

Poveria Shopify Theme est un modèle de commerce électronique propre et élégant spécialement conçu pour créer une boutique polyvalente en ligne professionnelle. Poveria Shopify Theme est une conception intelligente et réactive conçue avec intelligence et une bonne conception UX pour tous les appareils mobiles (ordinateurs de bureau, tablettes et téléphones). Thème Poveria Shopify utilisant le générateur de pages glisser-déposer populaire, de nombreux paramètres et options de thème et des curseurs premium. Poveria Shopify Theme a mis beaucoup d'amour et d'efforts dans la construction de ce thème. Le thème Poveria Shopify est un bon début pour tous ceux qui cherchent à démarrer leur boutique en ligne polyvalente ou qui cherchent à créer un marché de marchandises.


##Update History


  • Solved some miscellaneous bugs.
  • Removed the CustomerMeta app.
  • Update wishlist and compare feature.


  • Update package for support Shopify version 2.x.


  • Added enable/disable option for page loader image.


  • Improved theme layout design
  • Fixed some minor issue related to css file.


  • Fixed some miscellaneous css issue with theme package.
  • Update theme documentation file.


  • Fixed some miscellaneous css issue with theme package.


  • Improved design layouts and fixed some miscellaneous css bug.

2 Commentaires sur ce produit

I really don't believe this theme is worth the $99 paid, and I WOULD NOT recommend it. The author has made a few modification to the standard Shopify free 'Debut' template, and these modifications are buggy. The majority of it is just the 'Debut' template, even some of the help links take you through to the Shopify website and offer help on the 'Debut' template. The ability to change aspect of the theme are incredibly limited. - Font overlaid on the banner images has to be in the same positions as on the Demo, no option to centre or right alight text - The three images under the main banner have to be exactly the layout as in the demo otherwise it bugs - The text on the three images under the banner have to be in the same position as the Demo, no option to align differently. - None of the images have the ability to have hyperlinks, only the button. - There are 4 circles to promote things like Free shipping. If you only want 3 they do not centralise so you just have a gap at the end - If you try and add a featured product to the homepage the text is bugged and is right up to the side of the image. - The background of the testimonial section can be changed in colour but the text can't. They have created a nice Demo product but unless you want it to look exactly like that then I recommend avoiding this theme. There are cheaper and better customisable themes out there. After using the theme for an hour I had to report several issues to the author, they were reasonably quick to fix but there are so many more bugs and issues the theme becomes very frustrating. The
The theme is a little expensive for Shopify compared to other platform but it is worth every penny. The support turnaround time is amazing when I stuck with an app installation issue. Solved in no time

0 Commentaires pour ce produit

A propos de l'auteur

Guru Author

Customer Support

4,5 /5
Support rating (164 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 139 4 4 3 1 2 4 1 16
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
Support Maverik Support Maverik
