Jeramis Business Keynote Template

Introducing Jeramis – Simple Business Keynote Template
This Presentation Template can be used for any variety of purposes, such as: Creative Agency, Company Profile, Corporate and Business, Portfolio, Photography, Pitch Deck, Startup, and also can be used for Personal Portfolio.
Made to make your business presentation stand out, painlessly, and look professional.
Don't waste time, just download this professional template and spend the rest of the time preparing for your speech. All images in the presentation can be easily inserted in just one click.
- Total Slides: 37 Slides
- All graphics resizable and editable
- Used and recommended free web fonts
- Based on Master Slides
- 16:9 Wide Screen Ratio
- Picture Placeholder
- Just Drag and Drop!
- Easily Editable!
- General Content
- KEY & KEY.09file
- Documentation File
- Montserrat :
- Lato :
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