Адаптивный шаблон ZenCart для дома

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shoppingBag Продаж: 42


Created: 27 июл. 2015 г.

Updated: 27 июл. 2015 г.

ID: 55145

og体育首页ONE - Неограниченные загрузки за $12.40/мес.

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3 отзывов на продукте

This templates no bug, working properly. Mobile responsive very nice
This is the very professional clean, classy and stylish template that also fixes mobile issues I love almost everything about this template the things you need to be aware of are image sizes and the text on categories and subcategories does not show unless you have image, which is fine providing you know that. No templated is perfect but this one comes close and the things I don't like cost of very little to put in a way I want them
instruction is clear and easy to install too

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Customer Support

2,9 /5
Support rating (53 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 22 4 1 3 2 2 3 1 25
Response Time: Slow This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.


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Требования к программному обеспечению и хостингу:

Adobe Photoshop CS+ Adobe Photoshop CS+
PHP 5.2.14 или выше PHP 5.2.14 или выше
MySQL 4.1.3 или выше MySQL 4.1.3 или выше
Apache 2.0 или выше Apache 2.0 или выше
PHP настроенный для поддержки CURL с OpenSSL PHP настроенный для поддержки CURL с OpenSSL
Zen Cart 1.5.x Zen Cart 1.5.x