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shoppingBag Продажі: 186


Створено: 3 серп. 2015 р.

Оновлено: 3 серп. 2015 р.

ID: 55219

og体育首页ONE - Необмежені завантаження за $12.40/міс.

Безкоштовний доступ до 500k+ продуктів | Знижка 35% на ексклюзивні продукти Приєднайтеся, щоб отримати цей товар за  Знижка 35%

7 Відгуків про цей товар

Great asset to my company! I also deeply appreciate the support!
The template is looking good, But not support the PHP 7.0 and 7.2
Good template. My developers liked it. Easy to install and edit.
his templates working destop, tablet good, but mobil version menu not good
Excellent looking template. My client and I like it very much. There are few negatives we discovered: the main disadvantage is the lack of documentation. The other disadvantage is the hard process of adding another language.
Thank you for your feedback. Please use the following tutorials to ease your work with this theme - http://gzu9.391774.com/help/ecommerce/zencart/zencart-tutorials/ . And here's a tutorial to help you with adding languages - http://blog.12leaves.com/2012/03/18/how-to-add-new-language-to-zen-cart/

0 Коментарі до цього продукту

Про автора

Guru Author

Customer Support

2,9 /5
Support rating (53 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 22 4 1 3 2 2 3 1 25
Response Time: Slow This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.


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Language support:

ZenCart Compatibility:

ZenCart Engine:

Вимоги до програмного забезпечення та хостингу:

Adobe Photoshop CC+ Adobe Photoshop CC+
PHP 5.2.14+ PHP 5.2.14+
MySQL 4.1.3+ MySQL 4.1.3+
Apache 2+ Apache 2+
PHP піддтирмує CURL з OpenSSL PHP піддтирмує CURL з OpenSSL
Zen Cart 1.5.x Zen Cart 1.5.x