Solpan - Solar and Wind Energy HTML Template
og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo
Solpan Template is an amazing minimal Solar and Wind Energy HTML Template is designed for eco, ecology, electricity, energy, energy business, environment, environmental, green energy, natural, nature, renewable energy, solar, wind template and solar panel maintenance. Solpan provides the perfect platform to establish your website.
This design is a unique and modern look, bootstrap framework, wow animation, swiper slider, jQuery, SASS, magnific popup, SEO friendly code, cross browser compatible, and responsive. It is seamlessly across different devices, including laptops, desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Also, this template has a working contact form, well-commented, and easily customizable source code with detailed documentation. It's well documented and clean coded that's why anyone can change it easily and 24/7 professional and ultra-fast Support.
Key Features
- Bootstrap v5.2.3 Framework:
- Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
- SASS File:
- The Solpan template coded with sass
- SEO Optimized:
- Built with SEO best practices, Solpan improves your website's visibility on search engines, helping more clients find your services online.
- 100% Responsive Layout Design:
- The Solpan template will give your audience a responsive and user-friendly presence. It's smoothly adjustable with any kind of device.
- Google Fonts & Free Icons:
- Access a wide range of font icons and Google Fonts to enhance the visual appeal of your website.
- Documentation Included:
- Get started quickly with our comprehensive documentation, guiding you through the setup and customization process.
Full Features List
- 3 Home Pages
- 25 Inner Pages
- Built on Bootstrap (v5.2.3)
- Built on jQuery (v3.6.1)
- Built with Sass
- Multipage Layouts
- Easy to Customize with SCSS Variables
- Working Ajax Contact Form
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Clean & Simple Design
- Fully Responsive Design
- W3C Validated HTML Pages
- Custome Animation Effect
- Swiper Slider
- Fontawesome Icons
- Bootstrap Icons
- SVG Icons
- Well Documented
- Lifetime Free Updates
- Crossbrowser Compatible with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Microsoft Edge
- Clean & Professional Code
- Developer Friendly
Pages Included
- 1. index.html
- 2. index-one-page.html
- 3. index-2.html
- 4. index2-one-page.html
- 5. index-3.html
- 6. index3-one-page.html
- 7. about.html
- 8. blog-details.html
- 9. blog-grid.html
- 10. blog-list.html
- 11. blog-sidebar.html
- 12. contact.html
- 13. error.html
- 14. faq.html
- 15. pricing.html
- 16. privacy-policy.html
- 17. project.html
- 18. project-details.html
- 19. service-details.html
- 20. services.html
- 21. shop-cart.html
- 22. shop-checkout.html
- 23. shop-product-details.html
- 24. shop-products.html
- 25. shop-product-sidebar.html
- 26. team.html
- 27. team-details.html
- 28. terms-conditions.html
What you get?
- HTML Files
- Supporting CSS, SCSS, JS & Other Files
- Documentation
Fonts Used
- Google Fonts: Unbounded, Poppins
Icons Used
- Icons: Fontawesome, Bootstrap Icons
Sources and Credits
- Framework Bootstrap (v5.2.3)
- jQuery: jQuery (v3.6.1)
- Slider: Swiper Slider
- Animation: Wow Animation
Image Credits
- Images: Freepik Photos, Unsplash
Please Note:
- All images are just used for Preview purposes only. They are not part of the html templates and no Solpan in the final purchase files.
- This is purely an HTML/CSS template and not a WordPress or any other CMS template.
- Any code or CSS customization, as well as feature additions or changes, are not included in the item support.
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